Magniific Scobar
Published: 2024. April 10. | Source: Energofish | Articles

The technique of float fishing has always been one of my favorite methods. In my childhood (like many others), I caught my first fish with this float method, and to this day, I enjoy using rods without reels. At the FeHoVa exhibition, I encountered CARP EXPERT's new float rods for the first time, and when I held the model named SCOBAR in my hand, I immediately felt that it was an excellent tool...

Gone are the days when I chased fish with a bamboo rod on the banks of small channels, then when I bought my first, 3-meter-long, "modern" composite float rod. Since then, the fishing industry, materials, and manufacturing technologies have evolved so much that now a 4-meter length belongs to the same basic weight... Contemplating these, I arrived at the chosen fishing spot with the new float rod in my hand. I set up camp next to some reeds because, based on my experience, the water warms up faster here, life starts sooner, and the fish eagerly visit these areas early in the spring.

A gyékényes mellett kora tavasszal mindig van hal.

There are always fish next to the reeds early in the spring.

I set up the box and quickly started mixing the bait. For the BENZAR TURBO BREAM bait with hempseed and peanut, I added some liquid sweetener because roaches and other small fish go crazy for the sweet taste at this time of year. Live bait cannot be missed during this period: I added a few maggots, pinkies, pupae, and chopped worms. Accurate and gentle feeding is essential on such a small body of water, so after measuring the depth, I molded 4 bait balls the size of an egg to the selected spot.

A BENZAR TURBO BREAM etetőanyag már önmagában is igen tartalmas keverék.

The BENZAR TURBO BREAM bait is already a very nutritious mixture on its own.

A halk és pontos etetés volt a siker egyik kulcsa.

Accurate and gentle feeding was one of the keys to success

After that, I finally got to try out the SCOBAR float rod in action, which was just as enjoyable to hold as it was at the exhibition. After catching a few silver breams, I had to make use of the flexibility hidden in the rod because a small carp took the two baited maggots. The tiny size 18 hook hooked well, and it was very enjoyable to fight with this thin rod during the battle.

Az első komolyabb hal egy kisponty volt.

The first serious fish was a small carp.

Subsequently, the roach population started to show up at the bait, mainly in the form of roaches, rudds, breams, and giant bleak. However, on one occasion, after a strike, the rod remained bent. I thought there was another carp on the hook, but instead of a sudden run, it started swimming slowly and steadily upward. It was then that the strength in this thin rod really showed, as I managed to turn it back before reaching the snag, and I was able to control my opponent throughout the fight. When I landed it, I was amazed at the size of the roach!




...vöröszárnyú keszegek...




... és óriási küszök színesítették a horgászatot.

...and giant bleak added color to the fishing.

Micsoda dévérkeszeg a csatornából!

What a roach from the channel!

A SCOBAR spiccbottal ez is lehetséges!

This is also possible with the SCOBAR float rod!

The scale stopped at one and a half kilograms, so I could admire my new roach record for a while longer. After releasing it, I thought that this fish had scared off all the others, but after refeeding, the fun started again, with more roaches, small carp, and even a few larger roaches.

Ezüstkárászból is sikerült nagyobbat fogni.

I also managed to catch a bigger silver bream.

Újabb szép dévér a kézben.

Another beautiful roach in hand.

It was a great and surprise-filled first fishing trip with the CARP EXPERT SCOBAR float rod, which helped me catch beautiful canal fish with its flexibility and finesse. Perhaps I could have caught a couple more ancient specimens, but it was one of those rare occasions when I also collected some fish for frying, so after taking the table photo, I headed home contentedly.

Kivételesen a konyhára is került a halból.

For once, the fish also made it to the kitchen.

Köszönöm az élményeket SCOBAR!

Thank you for the experiences SCOBAR!

 5+1 Reasons to Join’s B2B Platform for Fishing Tackle Businesses
Published: 2025. February 13. | Source: Energofish | Articles

  In the competitive world of fishing retail, having a reliable supplier and an efficient ordering system is essential to staying ahead. B2B platform is designed to help tackle shops, distributors, and wholesalers streamline their purchasing process while gaining access to exclusive deals and premium products. If you're looking for a smarter, more profitable way to stock your fishing tackle business, here are 5+1 compelling reasons to register today. 1....

Wizard autumn recommendations
Published: 2025. January 30. | Source: Mihály Halmos | Articles

When it comes to new releases, no season has been as rich for Wizard as this one. 2024 has been brimming with a flood of brand-new, and I must quickly add, increasingly outstanding spinning rods, reels, and lines. Over the years, Wizard has built a reputation as an affordable, accessible, yet reliable and dynamically evolving brand. Following the success of last year's debut Edge series, spinning anglers can now find the ProSpin, SensoFeel, Active Spin, and Active Skill product lines in...

Clonking on River Tisza
Published: 2024. December 29. | Source: Viktor Csala | Articles

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Versatility MAX-ed out!
Published: 2024. October 29. | Source: Attila Szabó | Articles

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Energofish, the king of tigernut
Published: 2024. July 30. | Source: Energofish | Articles

It is obvious for everybody that the different boiled or fermented seeds, like tigernut, are essential groundbaits for anglers including both feeder and carp anglers. If we take a closer look at the tigernut range Energofish offers to its customers, it becomes clear, that among these products, probably all the anglers find the suitable one to feed or to use as a hookbait. Every item of the range are consisting of properly boiled, selected grains to guarantee the best chance for those who try...

Ready Carp – We Met, We Became Friends!
Published: 2024. July 29. | Source: Energofish | Articles

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