Renewed Carp Expert PVA Mesh Products
Published: 2024. May 02. | Source: Energofish | Articles

PVA products aren’t new accessories in carpfishing, because they have been available on the market for quite a while now. The popularity of concentrated, small-amount feeding hasn’t dropped during the past years, rather has grown among the Hungarian fishermen. These kinds of products were available in the wide range of Carp Expert accessories as well, but we thought that we needed to use the opportunities buried in the continuously developing technologies. That’s how the new Carp Expert PVA Meshes were created!

This 24-member family counts 3 different variations, these are Micro Mesh, 4 Season, and Anti-Fraying. Let’s see, what’s there to know about these great products!

A teljesen megújult PVA háló szortiment!

The fully renewed PVA Mesh assortment!

Maybe the Micro Mesh is the assortment’s most universal member because we can fill them with 2mm pellets, some fine stick mix, or, on the other end, 20 or 24mm boilies as well. Thanks to the fine mesh, none of the particles are going to fall out of our PVA Stick.

Jól látható a Micro Mesh háló apró szövése.

It is well visible how fine this mesh is.

The variations of the different particles we can choose are endless, however, we can’t forget the essence of the PVA products: they are water-soluble. We must avoid particles that contain water, and choose dry ingredients as well as alcohol-based, PVA Friendly liquids.

A PVA termékek lényege a vízoldékonyság, hiszen így férnek hozzá a halak az általunk bejuttatott finomságokhoz.

The essence of PVA Products is water solubility because that’s how the fish can reach the particles we put in the sticks..

4 Season is a true novelty, that has qualities like no other Carp Expert PVAs ever before. The special material it’s made of and the outstanding weave of the mesh made it possible to create a PVA Mesh that works with the same efficiency during the summer and the winter months as well.

A család legkülönlegesebb tagja a 4 Season.

The most outstanding member of the family: 4 Season.

It feels a lot softer and thicker than the mesh of the Micro Mesh variations for example. In the possession of these qualities, this PVA Mesh works with the same efficiency regardless of the temperature of the water. It’s a true specialty on our palette which you can buy from our website as well as our partner stores.

Speciális szövés teszi igazán különlegessé ezt a terméket.

The special weave makes this product very uncommon!

Last, but not least I had to say a few words about Anti-Fraying meshes. These are the strongest members of the assortment thanks to the reinforced weave these product have. The popularity of long-distance fishing is higher and higher, so we needed a mesh designed specifically for the strongest casts. That is the reason we created Anti-Fraying, to allow anglers to throw their rigs and PVA Sticks above 100 meters.

Az erősített szövésnek köszönhetően a legerősebb dobásokat is gond nélkül bírják az Anti-Fraying PVA hálók.

Thanks to the reinforced weave the Anti-Fraying meshes have no problems with long-distance fishing!

Modern, and stylish white design: that’s how I could describe the appearance of our new PVA Systems. They offer a complete solution for making your highly attractant PVA Sticks. They are available in 3 different diameters, 25, 35, and 45 millimeters, each with a 5-meter length. However, a few of the Anti-Fraying variants make an exception since they are available in 10-meter-light in addition to the standard 5.

Minden variánsból három vastagság áll a horgászok rendelkezésére, 25, 35, és 45 milliméterben.

Each type has 3 different diameters, 25, 35, and 45 millimeters.

Az Anti-Fraying család 10 méteres, extra kiszerelésben is megtalálható a boltok polcain!

Extra, 10-meter-long packaging of the Anti-Fraying Meshes can also be found on the shelves of fishing stores.

Every PVA System has its waterproof plastic tube that keeps our fine PVA mesh dry. We also kept the double-sided compressing tool from the previous PVA family, but it got a nice Carp Expert logo on the side of the middle section. The mesh was placed on a plastic tube that makes the usage of the system the easiest possible.

Praktikus, Carp Expert logóval ellátott kétoldalú tömködő szerszám.

A practical, double-sided compressing tool with the Carp Expert logo.

Since anglers use their PVA Mesh with every cast, we had to provide a great, and economical way to refill the PVA Systems. That’s why we created the PVA Refills for every variation in the new assortment. Both Micro Mesh and 4 Season have small, environmentally friendly packaging that offers budget-friendly options to refill the correct PVA Systems. 

A Micro Mesh …

The Micro Mesh …

… és a 4 Season variánsok utántöltői is zacskós kivitelben érhetőek el.

… and 4 Season both got this nice bag-packaging.

We didn’t forget Anti-Fraying Meshes either, every 6 variations got its refill, offered on a great plastic spool for the fishermen.

Praktikus spulnin az Anti-Fraying utántöltők.

Anti-Fraying Refills on plastic spools.

In my personal opinion Carp Expert’s renewed PVA products fulfill every carp fisherman’s needs, no matter if they prefer casting or the usage of a bait boat, or if it’s winter or summer!

Minden igényt kielégítő szortiment, válaszd ki Te is a kedvenced!

Choose your favorite one from the new Carp Expert PVA Mesh family!

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